Saturday, June 16, 2012

2012 June 16 - Iron Horse Trail and Picnic

The 4 guys who completed the whole ride
The team decided to do a break after the Flying Wheels Classic and take some time to relax.  They scheduled a supposedly "easy" 22 mile ride from RattleSnake Lake in North Bend to the Snoqualmie Tunnel along the famous John Wayne Trail, AKA - the Iron Horse Trail.  The journey up to the tunnel was an uphill slog - hardly noticeable because the pitch is ever so slight - until you're tired from spinning your wheels.  Not all of the team made it to the tunnel but since it's an in-and-out ride, there was no chance of being left behind or getting lost.
Picnicking with the families after the ride
Some of the women did a hike up Mount Si - yes, that mountain: 4 miles of hiking each way.  Both  the lead bike team and the women made it back to Rattlesnake Lake around 1:30 PM (they started out around 8 AM).  The ride was tiring but it was a good way to unwind.  Some of the team members who didn't ride secured a table and got the food ready for the whole team to hang out, eat and just have great conversation - all this in spite of the weather - a few showers here and there.

Here's a video recap: