Team Alings get in on the action! |
Among all the rides of the year, the
Cycle the W.a.v.e. Ride is probably the most significant. It may not be the longest nor the most epic nor the most technical nor the most hilly ride. But it certainly draws attention to the team - specially this year. Four women from our group plus a friend rode the event while another volunteered for support. The rest of the Mangs (the guys) and kids provided the cheering section.
CTW is an all women's ride for all cyclist levels designed to bring awareness to the cause of fighting violence against women (
Team Alings with their support team - Mang! |
It's a fund raiser, too, so for Team Alings to simply ride already contributes to the cause. The whole team made a splash because we seemed to be the only group where the men, along with their families, were cheering on the women - some of who are themselves victims of violence from the hands of men.
So to see a group of men taking the time and cheering on the fairer sex with no regard for how silly they looked in public is a significant sight. Both Team Mangs and Team Alings kept getting complimented for their show of unity, camaraderie and friendship throughout the ride.
Team Alings share the same fun loving attitude as
their Team Mang counterparts! | |
Our Alings rode the 42 mile route while the Mangs provided cheering, cowbells, picture and video support at strategic locations and at the stops. It was all for a good time but once again, team orange caught the attention of cycling organizers for their positive contribution to the cycling community. On our way out, one of the sponsors even chased us down to give us freebies that we weren't asking for - because our colors matched theirs. And we got lots of good feedback from bystanders and other cyclists.
See, Team Mang and Team Aling is not just about cycling - it's about being good friends, being a positive influence on the community and promoting good cycling behavior...all while having fun.
Go Team Aling and Team Mang!